Because I'm not familiar with illustrator, I searched for tutorials and found a tutorial about creating a vector image using tracing technique.
So, I searched for suitable picture to start with (of course, not picture of me), and found a suitable picture.
And below is the result. What do you think?
P/S: Don't ask me, who is she...個人情報ですから

aww..sapekah si gadis itu?hahahaha
BalasPadamhaha aku tahu ko pn tahu amzar sape nih.gehhehhe
BalasPadamnampaknya elyas minat dgn gadis ini :D hehehehehe
BalasPadamaku mestila tau..hahaha
BalasPadamGood luck with the girl. Struck fast and don`t hesitate. God bless you, brother. Ngeh ngeh ngeh.
BalasPadamterharu giler dpt komen yg kat atas ni... Gambarimasu...
BalasPadamelyas, siapakah gadis itu?macam ada iras muka dot dot dot
BalasPadamSiapakah agaknya wahai kak Sha...
BalasPadamboleh gi ke macam2 site utk mengetahui name sebenarnye..kah3
BalasPadamhaha.. masih ku kenal siapa gerangannya ini. xnak komen pape, cuma mengharapkan ada lah berita gembira dari sana. hehe
BalasPadamBerita baik apakah itu? :)