I'm very happy today. Why? Because the result for Master's Entrance Exam were announced today. My result: I passed the exam.
I couldn't do it without other's help. Some gave me support, some gave me their prayers, and also some who lent their books and notes to me.
Thanks again..
Now, I need to send some personal messages.
Posted in The World Of Orcaz
WOW! CONGRATULATION ^^ You passed the entrance liked going to the new chapter in your life... Good luck...
BalasPadamI just drop by in your blog, really nice design?!
Thanks for dropping by. glad you like this blog design
BalasPadamcongratulations en. elyas!!
BalasPadamanyway don`t forget that the ONE who help u a lot is HE, up there...=)
all da best for three of u(plus fook hee and adilah).....