This year, I decided to see the celebration myself.I've never been to Kobe's China Town to see the celebration before, so this will be my first time.
At first, I decided to go to China Town (or Nankin Machi 南京町) on Monday, because it is the first day of the celebration, but because of some safety reasons, I couldn't go.
I looked at the calendar again if I can find a nice event. I found that, a dragon called Northern Dragon/Malaysian Dragon(北龍/マレーシア龍 - Am I translating this right?) will be at Nankin Machi on Wednesday.
the timing is good as the dragon could be seen in the afternoon, as I have exam in the morning. After having my lunch, I went to Nankin Machi but it was a little bit late.
I had to wait for nearly 2 hours just to get a picture of this dragon. and I was a little bit disappointed after knowing that there will be no dragon dance today. But there will be a lion dance at 7 pm. So, I had to wait for several hours again.
Many of the main events will be held on 31st of January and the next day - 1st of February. but I can't go because of some personal matters.
I want to see the dragon dance...(sigh...)
kalo p tgk...record la video!!nk tgk~:D
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duration: less than a minute