According to weather reports, there will be rain at the time of the show. Last year, my camera (Powershot) was nearly broken because of rain. Even, Amzar cancelled his plan to join us because of rain (Osaka was raining heavily at that time. The rain in Kobe has stopped. The wind was blowing from the west).
Because this is the first time I went to port Island to watch the fireworks show, I decided to go early (5pm). The shuttle bus was not crowded at all, only half of the seat were occupied. The journey took about 15 minutes before arriving at ポーアイしおさい公園 (po-ai shiosai koen). The place also was not too crowded.
Than we wait for the others to arrive. While I wait for them, I set up my camera to shot some fireworks.
A few minutes before the fireworks start, my friends and others arrived at the park. And then, the show begin. They don't shout "TAMAYA~" or "KAGIYA~". I guess its because this is Kobe not Edo (err.. I mean Tokyo).
Then, at the middle of the show, we could feel reindrops hitting our heads. Luckily, it was not raining heavily. The stops about 5-6 minutes later.
Next, Yodogawa Osaka.
Posted in The World Of Orcaz
Edo bukan Kyoto ke??
BalasPadamKyoto is kyoto, edo is tokyo...bukak balik buku sejarah
BalasPadamhuhu.. checked~
BalasPadammy mistake~