I'm now preparing my desktop for Windows 7 upgrade. Before that, I need to reformat my hard disk especially my external hard disk (there are some files that I don't know where it came from). After I back-up my external hard disk,I formatted it. My job was done.
However, I found there are 70MBs space are used. there are no files at all. Hidden files? It supposed to be empty.
So, I made a decision to re-partition the hard disk.
And, my nightmare begin....
Accidentally, I re-partitioned the backup hard disk. A very big mistake. My data (300GBs, including pis that I taken from 2006) are all gone. Very frustrating.
Currently, the backup hard disk is not formated yet. I am searching for solution, and I hope I will find it very soon.
Posted in The World Of Orcaz
huhu.. ak tau perasaan ko camne~ dlu waktu ak format laptop pernah skali terdelete partition yg mana ak simpan segala data2 penting termasuk gambar2 dan file download ape sumer.. bila terdelete, rasa cam separuh hayat yg diguna ntk semua tuh hilang camtuh jer..
BalasPadamgud luck bro.. kalo ade cara ntk dapatkan balik benda2 dah takde tuh, tlg kongsi yer~
huhuhu...akhirnya ada gak org yg paham perasaan aku ini.
BalasPadamSebenarnya, aku penah terbuat camgini masa 1 nen dulu, tp masa tu gambar berapa kerat je. Tp, kali ni mmg benar2 membuatkan aku lemah longlai x bermaya....
Anyway, aku dah berjaya recover balik dah. Nama prog dier testdisk. Cepat dan berkesan.